Sunday, September 30, 2007

November 6th, 2007

November 6th 2007 will mark the first time that I vote for a Republican. The other day I met Mark DeSantis in Bloomfield. At first, I admit, I was skeptical. I never thought I would ever meet a Republican that I had anything in common with. I gave Mr. DeSantis an opportunity to convince me he was different though. And he did. Mark is not only a supporter of unions, but he is pro-choice, believes in providing economic opportunities for minorities, and he believes in protecting the environment. I was also shocked to hear that he received the endorsement of this group. Mark DeSantis is a liberal Republican. He did not say this himself, but following my conversation with him I spoke with this democratic blogger who has been following Mark since the start of his campaign.

While I have become disenchanted with politics after witnessing the buffoons we have in local and national office, I am going to follow Mr. DeSantis and his campaign closely and I will almost certainly vote for him over Luke Ravenstahl. I urge other Pittsburgh progressives to do the same. Mayor Luke Ravestahl is a DINO like this guy and is making a mockery out of our city and the office of mayor. If you have the opportunity to see Mark DeSantis in your neighborhood I encourage you to introduce yourself to him. Ask tough questions like I did and he is sure to give you a candid response.